Category Marble Polishing

Kitchen Marble Floor Restoration

Marble floor in need of restoration! Marble floor restoration is a common process for marble that has lost its luster or experienced other problems on the surface of the stone. Diamond abrasives were used to completely restore this kitchen’s marble floor and bring it back up it back to its full clarity and shine. This floor is beautiful!

Marble Floor Polish
Marble Floor Before
Marble After Polish

Marble floor is dull! There are a few steps that will help this beautiful marble floor its life back. First, the floor was honed with diamond abrasive pads in order to even our the surface. Next, the marble floor must be polished to insure it receives it shine and luster. These are key steps in bring life back to marble. Sealing was the last thing this floor needed. Sealing will help this floor keep its luster much longer. This floor is shiny and lively now!

Etched Marble Bath
Etched Marble Bath
Marble Bath After

Etched marble needs repair! A shampoo bottle was left in the top, left corner of this marble bath tub leaving a lighter appearance where acid hit. Etching occurs when an acidic product is left on the surface of a stone and slowly reacts with the calcium carbonate, eating away at the marble. This marble bath needed to be diamond honed and polished in order to bring the stone back to life. It is like the etch was never there! This marble bath has luster once again!

Marble Table Polish
Etched Marble Table

Etched Marble table needs TLC! Etching is caused by acidic products coming in direct contact with stone. Orange juice, coffee, cleaning products and many other household items can cause such etching. This marble table was honed, cleaned, and polished in order to bring it back to a beautiful state. The owners could not tell the etch marks were ever there. Mission accomplished!